
» People

From November 2016 onwards, COMPASSS is managed by three circles of persons. The COMPASSS Management Team manages and ensures the overall coherence of the COMPASSS website. Key tasks include web management, collecting information for the regular COMPASSS newsletter, collecting information on new publications and activities, as well as running the COMPASSS Working Paper series.

  • Benoît RIHOUX (Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium): legal representative, newsletters
  • Claude RUBINSON (University of Houston-Downtown, USA): managing editor COMPASSS WP series, bibliography, and website
  • Samuel DEFACQZ (Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium): address database
  • Priscilla ÁLAMOS-CONCHA (Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium): address database
  • Elin MONSTAD (University of Bergen, Norway): address database

The members of the COMPASSS Steering Committee set the overall direction of the organization and oversees the work of the Management Team. Members of the Steering Committee are elected from the Advisory Board by the Advisory Board.

The COMPASSS Advisory Board is composed of a broad set of scholars and practioners with expertise in QCA/STMs/CCMs and reflects the diversity of the methods across substantive fields, disciplines, and demographics. Members of the Advisory Board act as a sounding board for the Steering Committee and Management Team, and provide input and suggestions for further improving COMPASSS.

If you wish to actively contribute to the development of COMPASSS, please contact Benoît Rihoux. Help is always welcome!© - Page last modified 2018-12-07 18:52:56 UTC