» Bibliography
We maintain two bibliographies of publications involving configurational comparative methods, a WorldCat listing for books and a Zotero database for journal articles. If you use Zotero and wish to add the database to your installation, please visit the group page and click the "Join" button on the group page. You will first need to log into your Zotero account.
Updates to the bibliographies are made regularly, but it is impossible for us to keep track of all CCM-related publications. Any notification regarding recently published work is therefore most welcome. To have your paper or book added to our database, just email Claude Rubinson. Please include the URL and/or DOI as appropriate; that's the easiest and fastest way to update the bibliographies. (For forthcoming/in-press journal articles, please wait until the article is available on the journal's website.)
Note that working drafts, theses and dissertations, and other unpublished work are not included. At this time, we also do not include conference presentations.
- Books (WorldCat)
- Journal Articles (Zotero)
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